Visual Identity
Visual Identity
Book Design
Thank you card design
Visual Identity
Visual Identity
Book Design
Thank you card design
Visual Identity
Visual Identity
Book Design
Thank you card design


LEI6 SI6 MATTERS showcased red packet designs from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, as well as introduced their materials and production techniques. For ease of viewing and handling the red packets, we devised a design that collates individual packets into a book format. Each book’s overall dimensions correspond to those of a standard packaging box while the red cover wrap is in the same size as a standard red packet.

Each designer’s collection is organised into a volume, which includes descriptions of the designer’s profile, design concept, choice of papers and printing techniques. Viewers can flip through the books as if being in a library, appreciating the exhibits up close in a neat and organised manner. This display method resolves the challenge of having limited exhibition space. The entire library can be easily transported and set up in many flexible ways at other locations in the future.

Client: Material Resource Centre, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Visual identity: Allan Fan, Poe Cheung
Printing Production: Colham Printing, J2-Prodction